Welcome to Jonathan.T's page. I enjoy playing around with data, math and statistics. I am currently working in the analytics team as a senior data lead at SCOR based in Sydney, Australia. My website is current undergoing some maintenance and testing, please excuse me for the potential breaks.


I write articles for a range of topics from coding, to data science and statistics. These act as an interactive repository for me to reference in the future as well as a way to share my journey.


Projects from web development to data visualization and data science competition submissions.


In my free time I make funny videos on data science and tech.

Feature Engineering Explained

What is feature engineering and why are we taught to add seemingly useless variations of certain features to our dataset in the hopes of a "better prediction"? The plot shows a very simple example of a 9-point dataset. Say we wanted to model a straight line to separate/ classify the red and blue points. Without bending the line, this would be impossible. What happens when we add an extra calculated column to the dataset? Click on the "Add feature" button to find out!
Now see if you can then use a flat plane (the straight line equivalent in 3d) to split the red and blue points.

Simple Linear Regression

The Simple Linear Regressor is the OG machine learning algorithm and is constrained by a line. It uses the Least Squares method in order to calculated the "best-fit line" in a given dataset. Try out the widget to see how close you can get to the best fit line by manually tweaking the parameters and read the full article to learn more about Simple Linear Regression.

Parameter settings:


Minimized Error: